British court blocks extradition of sex-abuse suspect, saying California law violates human rights

A British high court has refused to extradite a former Orange County choir director who fled the U.S. before he was to stand trial on sexual abuse charges, ruling that a California involuntary commitment law would violate his human rights. Full Article


England Refuses to Extradite an Alleged Sex Offender ( with High Court decision

More time over US ‘fugitive’ Roger Giese extradition case (BBC)

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Mike R, I completely agree with you. Otherwise, the worst case scenario is we should be able to fall off the registry as occurs in so many other states. California needs to wake up and get with the program. To require someone convicted of a misdemeanor offense to register for life is a joke. Well stated.

Note: I agreed with Mike R’s first comment/not second.

Oh, I see. It’s EVERY young man or woman’s fantasy to be seduced and have sexual contact with an older man or woman? Okay. Makes perfect sense if your a pedophile. Must be a misunderstanding. Right. I hope lawmakers aren’t reading this blog.

And I didn’t say it was the same for girls. It might be djfferent now but i know for a fact that when I was growing up any and all my teenage friends boys that is would and did jump at a chance to have sex with a older women. I really find it hard to belive that all the different friends that I’ve had and all the different parties I went to where that was exactly the case in not just my group of friends. Anyone that says different grew up on a different planet or was one of those home schooled never get dirty parent forced recluse which I know there are a lot of out there.

I also bet if you would’ve been convicted of one of those four or five felonies that you said you were charged with( the only reason you weren’t convicted of is because you had money, which I came to conclude since you stated in other post that your one of the upper 5%) you would have a different stance on whether the registry should apply only to felonies. Its people like you who live with blinders on that are the oppressors of this country, the war on drugs doesn’t work drugs are everywhere and will always be everywhere, the war on guns doesn’t work guns are everywhere and will always be everywhere, and now this war on sex isn’t going to work either sex is everywhere and will always be everywhere, failure after failure after failure and the gov. keeps doing the same thing. throwing laws at the problem who cares if it solves anything or gets any positive results. Its the definition of insanity. Our junior high and high schools are flooded with sex and drugs. They even made a movie based on a true story where one girls had a venereal disease and like over 40 or 50% of the school ended up with it. If parents want to keep their kids off drugs and from having sex then they need to take responsibility and educate and convince their kids not to do it. Its their failure if their little precious is out there doing drugs and having sex with everyone and anyone that comes along. This ruining the life’s of millions of american s mostly men and their families because they didn’t control their urge to have sex with sexually active sexually mature young women needs to stop. This is the real world all those people that think that these youngsters are the helpless and unwilling and in every case a victim simply because they are not 18 are living in a fantasy world. I don’t care what people think of me or what especially USA says if you didn’t rape someone or have sex with a prepubescent child and didn’t coerce or threaten the individual into having sex you shouldn’t be charged with a crime. That’s my opinion and I am man enough to say it unlike most of the population in this country. I would never engage in such an act simply because it is against the law in this country with severe consequences. That’s what keeps me from reoffending not some lame a** registry that does absolutey no good whatsoever. Every one is so afraid of sex in this world that its ridiculous and so protective of their little precious child now days but are so afraid of taking responsibility when their kids don’t live up to their moral beliefs. I am tired of puss* footing around it if these teens are cognizabley mature enough to be charged as an adult for murder and the likes then they are cognizabley mature enough to consent to sex. That’s the bottom line. So come on all the Genophobias have at it.

HAA!!!!! pedophile huh? WOW just when I think you might actually have some intellect in that distorted brain of yours USA you go and show your stupidity by opening your mouth again with something you cant wrap your head around like the definition of a pedophile. Just a reminder a pedophile is defined as a person that is attracted to PREPUBESCENT children you mentally challenged idiot. Sounds like you were accused of rape with all those felonies and the fact that it didn’t involve a minor. Its scary to think that your money probably bought you out of those rape charges and kept you from going to prison because rapist and true pedophiles need to do prison time and get help other wise it will take a lifetime of supervision to keep them from reoffending. OH wait that’s right you have self proclaimed that the registry was the only thing keeping you from reoffending.

You want to know how we should deal with all the problems in america?
(1) Start by legalizing and regulating drugs of all kinds. By doing this you can release hundreds of thousands of prisoners immediately and force them into drug treatment programs that have been proven to work. With the money we save on imprisoning all these individuals and the money we would save by not wasting are resources on this unwinnable war we can then focus the billions if not trillions of dollars on education, prevention and rehabilitation and the cops can then go after the big time cartels,street gangs and all the other violent offenders and prosecute them to the fullest extent and have the space and resources to devote to those people.
That’s how you win the war on drugs!
(2) Instead of wasting any more time money or resources registering and regulating legal gun owners the cops can take that money and resources and add it to the money and resources that they save from the end of the war on drugs and focus on getting the illegal guns out of the hands of violent criminals and off the streets. They can also focus all those saved resources on prosecuting and detaining the real threats to this country which is all the violent offends out there. Throw the book at these guys and make rehabilitation a top priority in the prisons instead of just training these guys to be better more violent offenders that are trained in close combat and that are prime and ready for combat as soon as they get out of prison. We could also focus all the money and resources that we would save on reintegration programs that are not just look good on paper programs but real life programs that work. Stop public accessibility to past criminal records so that companies cant use those to not hire individuals. Use past convictions for future prosecutions if a offender reoffends. Once a person does their time and is off of all supervision restore all their rights and I mean all.
That’s how you win the war on violence and solve the problem of mass incarceration and eliminate gun violence in america.We can never keep guns out of the hands of deranged people but if our society was more fair and our systems just then it would eliminate a lot of the problems the people face and we could also devote more resources to mental health with the trillions saved from the reforms I suggested.
(3)This is going to be the biggest challenge to overcome: the war on sex in this country. This is a radical idea that I know most people wont agree with but I am going to tell it like it is. We need to lower the age of consent to thirteen or when minors become sexual mature and place the responsibility back on the parents to educate and convince their precious children to believe as the parent does and to not engage in such activities including using drugs or having sex.Release everyone that was convicted of having consensual non violent non coerced sex with any one that was sexually mature and of sound mind to make a cognizably mature decision to have sex just like the courts can deem a person of sound mind to be charged as an adult. Eliminate the sex offender registry and any other registry for that matter and take all the money and resources saved from doing this and put it into educating and preventing kids from engaging in these activities since our society deems it so wrong. Legalize and regulate prostitution in every state just like Nevada.We would then have the resources to go after and prosecute and confine to the fullest extent of the laws the true monsters of this society,(Rapist, true pedophiles, and all the real true violent offenders) All these categories of offenders can then get the treatment that every human deserves in this world because those are the people with mental disorders,or have no opportunity i life outside of prison.
This ends the war on sex in this country,reallocates funds and resources to prevention through education and allows the resources needed for rehabilitation for those that seek it.
I don’t know why I even felt I needed to write all this on this site but hey what the h***

Have at it USA I find this discourse with you interesting and entertaining at least.

It’s a free country, unless your on the registry

That’s it USA little dim witted huh. Lol thought I would get all kinds of hate speach coming back from you over what I wrote. It is kind of hard to argue with my proposals though because they all makes sense. It won’t never happen because all the mentality challenged people out there but what the h…. It would be a much better society if it did and someday in the far future it will happen because the gov will not have a choice because the system is going to get so over loaded and bogged down that they will have to make changes.

My husband may not have stuck by me if I had gone as far as intercourse with my victim, but I definitely crossed the line. The actual point I wanted to make here is that, even though my victim was 15 & 16 at the time of offenses, prosecutors hammered down on me saying my victim was 13 at the start of offenses, just like the guy in this article! Prosecutors wanted a million dollars bail set and may have been planning civil commitment for me for all I know. The father’s shocking hear-say report, which remains the first damning page of my police report, states offenses had begun when I first met his son at 13. In fact, it was a good thing I had checkbook proof that I did not hire this teen to babysit my kids (isolating him in my home) until he was 14. They then asserted there were 2 years of offenses starting at 14, so unfortunately the grooming period was included. Then, after successfully fighting off the under 14 count in court,the Court Clerk accidentally left one count under 14 anyway. We had it corrected after my incarceration and it continues to confuse everyone who looks at my rap sheet. Therefore, I suspect the possibility that the prosecution’s assertion about this offender’s victim being 13 years old could be false as well.